hello vali, pano, babi, christo kosta, jimmy & mama
hope you all had a great summer
josh & jamie always talking about you hope you kept there turtles in the store room or they wont be happy
mums ok hoping to get over next year
babi jamie wants to know weres the eggs
sorry couldnt get over for the end of the season to busy with them
starting school but we will be over on the 6th may you've got us for 3
whole weeks arnt you lucky
i'll ring you soon take care
all our love
joanne,josh & jamiexxxx
hi vali, pano, christo, babi, kosta,
well the beach wont be the same with out you lot there its been 15years since we started going in the restarant
first when yannis had it when it was the holiday inn and then you guys took over and it became sirrocco me and beki have had great times over the years i think most of the familys been there i hope you make the new place a to be proud of like you did the last and you have many happy times there in the new sirrocco
we will see you all on the 4th may cant wait josh and jamie cant wait to see you all talk about you all the time
all our love
jo josh & jamie
hello only us again, hope your all o.k?? anyway we r all great n cant wait 2 c u all again! only 5weeks till jo c*ms ova n only 7weeks till we c*m ha we cant bloody wait!!! get the sambuca ready 4me n jodie! when we get there we gona av a big party!! anyway beans we r gona get off now! miss you all so much!
all r love hugs n kisses
beki, jo n jodie.xxx
luv ya's!
christine if u see this can u babysit 1 nite??xxxx
well wot can i say the b***hes r back in town in 5 weeks yippie watch out rescues lol
josh and jamie says get the fruit fish bowl out ready babi watch the eggs jamies after um cant wait to see the new addition to the family baby helen
well done vali and pano
cant wait
love u loads
jo jodie beki claire josh and jamie
oh gami bloody seme how much can we not wait 2 come over!!!!
well not much longer now n we will b there livin it up n sirocco n medousa!!! lol
oh we r all just at joannes now talking about it we r counting the days till we get there !!!
we cant wait 2 c every 1 espeacially baby helena
anyway love n miss u all lots n lots c u all in 5 wks!!!
lots ov love beki,jo,jodie,josh,jamie n claire
big kisses lots ov hugs n loads ov love.xxxx
hello vali and gang
5 more sleeps and we will be there, cant bloody wait. josh and jamie really excited to see you all
make sure you got me a large vodka on thursday night ready for me
see you thursday
loads of love
jo n co xxx
to all of Greek Island family,