Just a little note 4 Brian n Caroline hope ur ready 4 us coz its not long now untill we r back ova there 2 c u again its only 17days!!! Cant wait 2 c u missed u like mad!! U r always so good 2 us! U treated beki like 1 ov ur own while she was ova there 4 7 weeks in may! Ur such good people n u r such close friends 2 us! We love u so much! U cant go back home coz we dont know what we'd do without u both!! c u in the next couple of weeks
to serve you is are pleasure, to see you back is are hope.
hiya guys us again hope your all ok? got a text of christos yes2day he says hes doing o.k n goin back from athens on the first of april but he does'nt want to leave his new bird! awh bless him! cant wait to c him again we missed him in october! cant wait to see his new place either!
cant wait to see the new place i hope we have plenty of good times there like jo said in her message we had plenty of good ones at the old place! we are all really excited about seeing u! we r out on the 21st so we will have a few days with r jo n the little bad boys! oh you wont belive it when you see them they have grown so bloody much!x gotta go me vodkas going warm n we cant be avin that!
c ya love ya bye.xx
hello big boy leo,julie,washboard,anna,vassell,jack n mad malcolm!!!