Castaways - (Restaurants in Argassi)

Johanna L  (09 June 2007)        10/10

Delicious food and very nice staff.

Eat there if you havenīt!!

Snack Academy - (Restaurants in Argassi)

Johanna L          10/10

Very sad to leave all of you! We started every morning and ended every evning in Snack and then the day were completed :)

Great staff, food and deserts - everything!
hope to see you again
/ the yong swedish couple

Beer Academy - (Bars in Argassi)

Johanna L          10/10

The best bar in Argassi!!

We had a really good time, good drinks, you all were so friendly and we allready miss to go to Beer and have a beer and play some pool. ( came home yesterday )
Hope to see you again!
/ The young swedish couple

Beer Academy - (Bars in Argassi)

Johanna L          10/10

Yeah we really enjoyed our trip and liked Argassi a lot so we hope so

Acually i think itīs warmer in Sweden for the moment!!  But it rain last night...
We want to be there right now, play some pool before dinner and try some new cocktails (or just have a pint). Can it be more perfect!?
Miss you all and hope to see you some day