Flame Bar - (Bars in Alykanas)

Asher S  (18 November 2005)         

just want to say hello to the boys in flame bar nickos and antonios we stayed above the cuba bar next door. we had a wicked time hope you aint forgot us, were coming back in july so we'll come and see you take care loads of love asher with the blonde hair and laura xxxx

Cuba Bar - (Bars in Alykanas)

Asher S           

hey nicos its laura your holiday fling lol just wanted to sey hey and also hey to nat and louise if you remba me and asher in flame bar always at the bar with nocos well asher anyway  had a wicked holiday nicos say hello to your dad for us. say thanks for the hotel room aswell see you in july asher said  hello aswell n said she miss's you too take care n hello to every one who was there in july  x