Down Under - (Bars in Kalamaki)

Sarah V  (17 August 2004)         

George - Its been a long time! I'm probably just a distant memory now! I can't believe I was there in 2001 it seems so long ago! I hope the family are all well - I see from the messages below that Karl is still out there with you - causing caos!! I hope you get this message and it would be great to here from you, if you do remember me - as we spent, I hope two happy months together!

Take Care
Sarah x

Down Under - (Bars in Kalamaki)

Sarah V (18 August 2004)

My email address is: It would be great to catch up. Sarah x

Down Under - (Bars in Kalamaki)

Sarah V (20 August 2004)

George - I hear on the grapevine congratulations is in order! When is the big day? I'm so happy for you. x

Down Under - (Bars in Kalamaki)

Sarah V  (05 October 2006)         

George, where are you off too?