Papillon - (Restaurants in Argassi)


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Yia sou, Norway....!

Hi, everybody! We miss you...We want to come back to Argassi. Your food was lovely and we miss the "old" guy so much

We will be back soon, so don`t forget us

Big kiss from the girls from Norway


Magic Mushroom - (Bars in Argassi)


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Yia sou, Magic Mushroom!

Hi, everybody! We miss you so much. We had a great time, spending to weeks at you bar
We will come back soon, and we hope that you don`t forget us! It has been the best time of our life...We miss Costas and Peter alot, we look forward to see you again
When we come back, we want to see the fruit of the ocea ready for us.That`s our drink!
Thake good care till we come back-love you.....
Big kiss from Alice, Anneli ande Stine

Magic Mushroom - (Bars in Argassi)



I just wanne say that this is the magic mushroom webside, and I don`t want anyone to tell lies here! I miss Argassi and I will be back..I talk to Nikos everyday, and he has not sad to me that Billee and he is back together..But but!
I love magic mushroom and every workers there
Take care, see you soon!

Magic Mushroom - (Bars in Argassi)


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Hi, everybody=)
I miss you alot... Thank you Peter and Nikso for making our holiday complite
Magic Mushroom is the best place in Argassi
big hug, Stine