The Cats Whiskers - (Restaurants in Tsilivi)

Cheryl   (25 June 2001)         

We found this place to be the best restaruant not only in Tsilivi, but mainly in the whole of Zante. It's a tiny bit more expensive (even though it's still cheap compared to UK prices) because the food is such good quality. Just ask anyone when you get there, everyone recommends it.

Sophia - (Accommodation in Tsilivi)


This place was great. It was so quiet & peaceful, but only a few minutes walk from the beach or the town. We were lucky to get this place, when you look around some of the places look awful.

Sophia - (Accommodation in Tsilivi)


This place was great. Very quiet & peaceful, but only a few minutes walk from the beach or the town. Some of the places in Zante look really awful, this plzce was really nice.