Dados (Jimmys) Hotel - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Andy D           

Just got back and st time. Had a brilliant time! Jimmy's apartments are spot on and ideally located for night life, pool and beach. Arios pool is spacious with a good bar but a bit murky in water. tarted to use Californian beach pool with lovely water. Check out N Joy which is ran by Yannis and his mum. Great atmosphere, service, drinks and steak & onion sandwiches (his speciality). Ask him about the Elvis tribute show! On the beach there is an excellent beach bar called Fishery ran by a Scottish lady-great food and a huge range of drinks. Oor Wullie pub is great too with excellent cocktails (prepared by Dennis). Coctails & Dreams & Walkabout are great bars followed by one of the many Kebab outlets like Cozy's. Overall had a great time and definently would go back (maybe Oct).

Relax Bar - (Bars in Laganas)

Andy D           

Fantastic! Went there on my first night by accident and was hooked. Jessy is brilliant and will have you in stiches. Kept going back-had me singing "Old Macdonald", stripping to "I'm too sexy" and doing Greek dancing!! Thanks to the lass for the kiss after singing Wonderwall (should have hooked up!). Will be back soon as I am having withdrawl symptoms. If you are going soon please tell Jesse that Andy from Glasgow tells him to give it WELLY!!!