Kalamaki Beach - (Beaches in Zante)

The C

Does anyone have the telephone number or email address for the down under cocktail bar in Kalamaki? we have just got back from kalamaki and wish to make contact with them. If anyone else that has been to this bar and would like to share experiences we would love to hear from you. Email me on beck148@hotmail.com

Rose n Crown - (Bars in Kalamaki)

The C           

yannis 4 was sex on legs im telling ya!. the barmen wasnt bad looking but aint got a clue when it comes to romance. BENNY HILL just about summs him up. Drinks were good, capacciono shot and screaming orgasm cocktail are highly recomended. Dont flirt wiv Yannis 1 cause he will think he is in there!!!!. Look out for RICKYYYYYYYYY!!!(eastenders). N joy