Savvas Hotel - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Emma W  (15 January 2006)         

  Hey me and 6 of my m8s are staying in Savvas july 2nd for 2 weeks.  Any1 else going round then get bak 2 us.  cANT WAIT it sounds AMAZING xcept from a couple of peoples views.  Emma x x x x

Savvas Hotel - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Jenny S  (25 April 2006)         

hey me and 5 o my grlie m8s from merseyside are goin out 2 zante on 2nd of july for 2 weeks!! any1 else nervous bout really bad comments?? really lookin 4ward 2 avin gr8 time and meetin new people!! any1 bin b4?? jen, em, ab, karly, katie n faith x