Tesoro - (Restaurants in Kalamaki)

Roz   (30 July 2005)         

Hi Nicola.

To add to the comment below, you can find Tesoro across the road from Fire Club bar and Levantino shop.  The menu is huge and has somthing for everyone!

Tesoro - (Restaurants in Kalamaki)

Roz   (04 November 2005)         

I don't know if this lady has confused us with another restaurant, but I can assure her that none of the people involved with Tesoro would treat an animal like this.

During the summer many stray dogs and cats have passed through the restaurant and have been fed and watered.  A dog that had befriended a family of tourists was allowed to sit under their table while they ate.  Stray cats were fed fresh red mullet at the request of the boss.  Fans in the restaurant were left switched off so that a pair of swallows could raise their young.  Animals were kept safely from passing cars.  I could go on but I think this selection of examples proves the point.
I really am most upset that someone thinks they can make a throw away comment like this.  Contrary to a lot of people's beliefs, Greece is not a country of animal haters.  Having lived here for almost four years now I have seen many many acts of kindness towards animals.