Villa Aliri - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Kev L  (17 July 2005)         

yeh it basic but it aint tht bad, i've stayed in worse in faliraki! apartments ok, you get a fridge unlike if you were stayin in mariana, george is a top bloke, wiv his mate nick, who run the gaff. clap i heard all about how bad it was, but there is no need 2 worry! i want to go back. be affraid of the s**t airport, with stavross on his donkey carting the luggage! takes time! but overall a top result of a holiday! if you have any questions, just giv me a bell n i'll answer thm 4 ya!

Villa Aliri - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Kev L  (19 July 2005) , i loved it that much that i mite even be goin back on the 18th Aug!!! TOP stuff, quality place!!!!Smile