Mariana Hotel - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Gammy T           

what i ment was: we saw the message from the yorkshire lasses and booked a holiday on the second week of august for 9 bristol sex studs at mariana apartments. want to meet up for fun times and merryment? txt bak soon xx

Mariana Hotel - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Gammy T           

this is the bristol boyz wid anuva messege for da yorkshire lasses!!!!! Wotagwan! woju mean by anyfin else? i got cherry connies. txt bak u slags

Mariana Hotel - (Accommodation in Laganas)

Gammy T           

sorry to you sexy yorkshire lasses. no offence intended it was just but a humuourus jape. you see down south we have this thing called sarcasm which on occasion can be used for entertainment and tomfoolery. have u been here before? is it good? txt bak. sorry again xx