Chevys Bar - (Bars in Laganas)

Reina G           

Hi everyone,

How are you all? Im fine, Lora just told me about this web site its well good!! Flip & scotland, sorry ive not been in touch, i lost everyones numbers and email coming home from Zante, I left my phone in gatwick toilets!!! What am i like?? USELESS!! I have got them now,so i will e-mail you, i promise. Flip we have to meet up when you get home. (Manchester is crap by the way, wish i was there) Hi blue and Pav, how are you both? Hows timo? Tell him i said hi! Cant wait to come back next year, i really want these next 6 months to go so quick so i can get back in Zante. HI to James and Kim, so glad everything is going well for you both!! Is anyone going to the reunion in Romford on 30th Oct? Hope so it will be really good to see everyone!! Me, emma and Lora are going - so COME AND SEE US!!!!

Misdsing you all LOADS!!!

Chevys Bar - (Bars in Laganas)

Reina G           

Hi everyone, its Reina, worked at chevys from beginning of august until end of sep, loved it! Just wondering who is going back to work in zante next year? I am and really cant wait!i know Kim and james are and i think jo is too. what about phil and tosh, has anyone heard from them? also does anyone have their mobile or emial address so i can get in touch with them to say hi!? hi to flip, scotland and stef, are any of you going back? Also hi to tommo and reily and becky, helen and liz! are u gong back?

Hope so! anyway get in touch people my email is

lots of luv

