Flame Bar - (Bars in Alykanas)

Carly E  (23 August 2003)         

The best bar I have ever been to in the world in my life!! I miss all the staff there like crazy! The drinks are wicked! (I'm still recovering now!!!) I love u all and I wish I hadn't left it till my last night!!!

Flame Bar - (Bars in Alykanas)

Carly E  (14 October 2003)         

once again i have to say it's the best bar in the world! i had to go back again after my amazing holiday in august, and now i'm depressed after returning last wednesday. every1 warned me that no where is eva the same when u go back, but how wrong they were! but then again i don't think the great times in my fave bar will eva die! sad 2 see that andy and jenny had gone tho. so hi to them, and of course 2 vagellis, andreas (and mark "the rep"! if you're reading this!)i'll see all you guys again soon (hopefully!) love you all loadz hope u won't forget me! (just remember "pink" (or "thesaurus"!! haha) and i'm sure u won't!!) plz get in touch if you can. love carly xxxx

Cheers Bar - (Bars in Alykes)

Carly E           

This is a great bar! I managed 2 make it here on the back of someone's moped at about 6 am most "mornings" of the holiday! i'm still suffering now though!! Sarah, u r wicked! I really don't know how you put up with us all! Brill bar, definitely worth the mission to get there from alykanas village!! see you all next year for some more bottle bombing!

Flame Bar - (Bars in Alykanas)

*carly E  (17 October 2004)         

well,well,well...! WHAT A SUMMER!!!! just want to say a huge hello to all the fantastic people I've met over the past six months! thank you for making my job so much fun and v.entertaining!!! hahaha! we had some crazy nights guys! I'll never forget it & hope you lot don't either!!! please get in touch at: carly_barbie3000uk@hotmail.com love ya all forever!!!!! Carly,(waitress, & number1 drunk!) MWAH X X X X X X X X

The Factory - (Bars in Argassi)

*carly E  (29 October 2004)         

heya guys!! have to say that this is the best place i've ever been in my life! great music, drinks & people! (the scenery isn't bad either!!!hehe!!;) i've been home 2 weeks today and i'm still suffering from manic depression! but i'll be back may 1st to work another season, trying to get a job in argassi next year so i'm closer to "the factory"!! miss u all so much it's untrue! especially leo (my lil' dancing partner) and of course u socratis! ; ) can't wait to see u soon, if you've got the internet now- my email is carly_barbie3000uk@hotmail.com, forgot to give u it on my last night, in a very drunken state with half an hour to get to the airport!!haha! (worth it though!!) see you all soon, love ya loads, take care, luv carly xxxxx

Flame Bar - (Bars in Alykanas)

*carly E  (25 January 2005)         

dear susan, i'm not too sure what someone at this bar did to upset you, but your messge there was quite unnessesary. if you read the previous 4/5 pages of excellent comments, you'll be able to see that you're kinda on your own there! now i'd just like to point out to you that if flame bar really was that bad, then why oh why were you in there every night?! (quote: "the music was the same every night"!) none of us asked you to keep coming back did we now?! everyone who worked in flame bar this summer had a great time & were there to have fun, not to impress people like you. and as for your vicious comments about what the bar staff do to your drinks, maybe it would be a better idea for you to get your facts straight before shouting your mouth off about what you don't know. i'm sorry you can't handle your alcohol but hey, life's a b***h! thanks for your time. best wishes from "one of the slappers!!"