Travellers Rest - (Bars in Laganas)

Burnt 2  (30 June 2003)         

the boys n gals from down south will be back next year for some kickin nights at this bar. all of us into our live music & travs is the best for it in lagana EASY. sunday nights is a must for soul/funky night. TOP BAR, see you again next year. all the best to all staff @ travellers rest your on a winner.

Travellers Rest - (Bars in Laganas)

K.c.c.b.l.t.p&m T  (07 August 2003)         

JUST GOT BACK FROM TEGYPT........... not realy, just got back from zante,SOUND HOLS,travellers rest top barnanna. peter kay sat nights, the best live music in lagana, wicked d.j (sorry craig),drinks good price & cold,nice atmosphere, top staff, great bar to get pissed in before you hit town. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK TRAVS, OH & GOOD LUCK TO THE BLADES IN 2003/2004. we WILL see you again in the near future xxx