Alykanas Beach Hotel - (Accommodation in Alykanas)

Ann-maria G

Hi, I have just booked a week's holiday at the Alikanas Beach studios. It is only myself and my 14 year old daughter. We arrive on 20th August and it was nice to hear that there may well be some other teenagers for her to meet up with and hopefully some adults for me to make friends with. Nice to see such lovely comments about the place and we are both really looking forward to it.

Alykanas Beach Hotel - (Accommodation in Alykanas)

Ann-maria G           

Chrissie hello - I posted a message last month saying that myself and my 14 yr old daughter would be out there on 20th August for a week. When are you travelling? Is there any one else going to be there that week?

Alykanas Beach Village - (Accommodation in Alykanas)

Charlotte G           

hey. my names Charlotte.. i'm 14 and a bit. i'm going on holiday tomorrow! mymum told me about this so i was just looing it up, hoping to meet some ppl cos i'm only visiting with my mum. I'll be there from the 20th - 27th. Maybe i'll see some of u there (not that i'll know u!) byebye -xx-

Alykanas Beach Village - (Accommodation in Alykanas)

Charlotte G           

i've already written in here, just before i went on holiday. Just wanted to say that that was the BEST holiday i have ever been on. I wish i could have stayed there for 2 weeks though! If anyone is worried bout meeting people, dont be! There are teenagers EVERYWHERE! In my 6 days there i met 25 people. They were all gorgeous, and so friendly. Honestly, there are some very FINE people there aswell (coughchriscough). The Greeks are sooo friendly and you can always have a good chat with the horse and chat drivers aswell. The Flame bars the best bar to go to, it has a dance floor and gr8 waiters! No ones usually on the dance floor, but after a few, it seems like a good idea! Well, just thought i'd let you know it was FANTASTIC. The bet holiday in my life. And the wierd thing was, i met someone who has written on this message board and we became really good friends!! C ya Love char -xx-