Admiral Hotel - (Accommodation in Argassi)

Liz G           

I went to this hotel in october last year it was really good and would go again.

Admiral Hotel - (Accommodation in Argassi)

Liz G

How far is Lagana from Argassi?

Tropicana Cocktail Bar - (Bars in Argassi)

Liz G (01 May 2002)

James if your readin this please ring home asap! We need to know your alright.

Commodore Hotel - (Accommodation in Argassi)

Liz G

I am going to this hotel in July 2002 and jus woundered what it is like there? i stayed at the admiral last year and although basic it was very clean etc so i would just like to know if it is similar or better? Please feel free to email me luv Liz

August - (Best Time to Visit)

Liz G

two gals from the midlands comin 2 argassi on july 29th for a week. ne1 goin same time?