Red Lion - (Bars in Argassi)

Jeese F (07 May 2002)

neil is going to be all alone??? i hope he dosent refer back to dirty young school girls again to keep him company!!!keep up the good work guys and neil, ill be out in august!see ya soon babes!

Red Lion - (Bars in Argassi)

Lisa S  (20 May 2002)         

yeah real good english there kristian! ha ha only joking! i know youre cool. i did the bananna boat last year! word has it neil has got himself a bit on the side...whats her name...jullian is it? well kristian the game is about to start and yourself and neil are gonna have to go for it if you want the best goods! ill be out in the middle of july with two mates living it up!!were staying at the mimoza so remember we can see you!!!

Red Lion - (Bars in Argassi)

Samantha W  (25 July 2002)         

louise .what can you tell me about neil? what have you heard about him and his girlfriend? if you want to talk in private my email is samantha

Red Lion - (Bars in Argassi)

Samantha W  (22 August 2002)         

thank you. that confirms my worst suspicions of neil